Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day 08

Isn't this what it's all about? FUN! FUN! FUN!!!!!!! This year, we celebrated Father's Day on Saturday, so that the Rutlands could spend Sunday with Jud's dad. We had such fun with all of the grandchildren here! Even the one who isn't born yet! Sam just finished swim lessons, but he still wasn't sure about staying in the pool a lot! Charli loves the water, and has no fear! Julia, an accomplished swimmer was so busy swimming, jumping off the diving board, and going down the slide, that it was difficult to catch her on camera! I did get the one of her diving under just as she started her dive! As you can see, we had a fun day! After swimming we grilled kabobs, ate roasted potatoes and had tea and rolls! It was a wonderful afternoon; one that will be remembered for some time! Who's not in the picture? G-daddy! Somehow, he didn't get into the spot light much, but he did swim and says he really enjoyed the day! I'm so blessed to have such a happy and loving family! Julia has always been my very heart, and Charli and Sam only enhanced my love for grandchildren. Baby Luke is scheduled to arrive in late September, and I can't wait! As I placed my hand on Amy's tummy yesterday, he wiggled and that was my first feel of the miracle of another grandchild! WOW! I just can't wait for him to big enough to be born! The photos tell it all!

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