Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My last post was several months ago and I hadn't realized it has been so long! Spring is upon us and we're getting ready for another "swimming" season! David has worked on the pool a lot this week and it is really beautiful. This has been therapy for him, as his closest friend, Don, passed away two weeks ago from a massive stroke. David and Don grew up together and loved each other like brothers. They were as different as two men could ever be, but they loved and supported each other in everything. David will miss him until they meet again!
Much has happened since I last wrote. The biggest news we have is that another grandson is on the way. Amy, our eldest, lives in Birmingham, and at the age of 37 chose to become a mom in a fairly new and unique way. She remains single and refuses (rightfully so) to marry someone just for the sake of having a family. She is very strong in her beliefs and chose to have artificial insemination to have a child. Our entire family is extremely proud of her and supportive of this choice---AND---in late September Lucas McLeod Robertson will join our clan and bump Sam from his spot as the baby of the family! WE CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!
Julia and Sam continue to grow, and its hard to believe that Sam and Charli are two!!! Julia will be 6 in May and she will be in first grade in the fall! WOW! She was just born the other day, how can this be! Our grandchildren are so precious to us and we thrill to have them with us! We hope everyone gets as much joy as we do from having them! I'll write more later, but just wanted to add a little update.

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