Sunday, August 27, 2006

Charli Robertson
I figured out what was wrong with the system (McAfee) and got it working again! YEA!!!! We had little Charli this weekend, and she is such a good baby! She seldom cries, and she grins when you talk to her. I didn't know where her red bow was, so I had to use a white one! My "grands" are so wonderful! Last weekend we went to see Julia and Sam, and then had this precious one this weekend. Her daddy had sprained his foot, and is on crutches right now, so MeMe did most of the "baby chores". How pitiful for me!!! I could just "eat her up" she's so sweet! I read on Amy's blog that we are nearing the final divorce hearing for Matt. I think all of the Robertson family (Rutland's included) are ready for a more "normal" life to return. As Matt told someone the other day, Charli is the bright spot in a relationship that never should have been! God works miracles out of chaos. We look forward to God's plan for this little one! Alyssa hasn't visited since the weekend of July 1st & 2nd. She had been promised a trip to the beach with our family, and her mom changed her mind at the last minute and refused to allow the vacation visit that she had agreed to in court. Since that time, it has broken Matt's heart that Alyssa doesn't visit, but she cries when he leaves with Charli. Keep all of us in your prayers as the divorce hearing is Sept. 7th and it is our prayer that God will lead the judge in making the best decision for the children. Matt and Jessie are adults and can take what comes, but there are two little girls who never asked to be in the middle of this and who deserve to be cherished and brought up to know the Lord, and to know that they matter!!!!

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