Vacation is a FAMILY affair!
This year, David and I vacationed in Orange Beach, Alabama, along with our three adult children, Amy, Pam and Matt, our son-in-law, Jud and two of our precious grandchildren! David has never been fond of the beach, sand, sun etc, but this year it was different! We rented a condo on the ground floor, with a patio, so he could sit in the shade and watch the ocean. We also rented two beach chairs with an umbrella, so he could sit there, out of the sand, and enjoy the view! YES! David stayed on the beach more than anyone!! LOL!!! He really had a good time, and said he wants to go back next year. Julia and Sam were lots of fun, and the adult kids were too! For those who don't know, the fella in the orange suit is NOT David, but our new friend, Randall Gilliam, from Tennessee. David met him on the beach, watching their respective grandkids, and they really enjoyed each other's company. We visited with this family on the beach daily, and found that we share a lot in common, most especially being Christians who enjoy fellowship with other believers! The second picture is G-daddy playing in the sand with Julia, and the third is one I snapped of Julia. Matt could only stay for three days, as he had to return to work. He didn't get to bring his girls, as planned, but hopefully that won't happen again! We missed having them with us. Sam was so very good, but he did not like the beach! It was too hot to suit him, but he did get one dip in the pool! We just can't wait for next year, and will be planning all year for our next event! I'll add a picture of Sam in my next note-he is growing like a weed!