Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Today is Aunt Thelma's 97th birthday, and she is still sharp as a tack, and so much fun. David and I went down after lunch today and visited with her for a couple of hours! She is so precious to me, and I just had to see her on her special day. She had several guests drop by, phone calls, and she got lots of cards. Flowers arrived from a nephew in Florida, and there were two cakes! Dad and Ruth came up for the day, and they took her to Jim's Restaurant, in Prattville, for a birthday lunch. As we were leaving, I told her to behave herself, and her reply was if I wanted her to behave, I had better stay and make her, because she wouldn't promise unless I was there!!! I made this picture as we were leaving, because she always has to come outside and wave bye! Hope you enjoyed this! love, Shirley & David

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