Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Today is Aunt Thelma's 97th birthday, and she is still sharp as a tack, and so much fun. David and I went down after lunch today and visited with her for a couple of hours! She is so precious to me, and I just had to see her on her special day. She had several guests drop by, phone calls, and she got lots of cards. Flowers arrived from a nephew in Florida, and there were two cakes! Dad and Ruth came up for the day, and they took her to Jim's Restaurant, in Prattville, for a birthday lunch. As we were leaving, I told her to behave herself, and her reply was if I wanted her to behave, I had better stay and make her, because she wouldn't promise unless I was there!!! I made this picture as we were leaving, because she always has to come outside and wave bye! Hope you enjoyed this! love, Shirley & David

Monday, June 26, 2006

Grandchildren are the best thing since time began! Before becoming a grandparent, I wondered what all the fuss was about--cute kids, but I didn't birth them, nor did these folks who were telling me about the wonders of the little people, so I really didn't "get it". Until May 16, 2002 when our first, Julia arrived! She's four now, and WOW is it wonderful!
Since that time, we've added Alyssa, age 8, who was adopted by our son, Matt a little over a year ago! She's adorable, with big brown eyes, dark brown hair and an impish grin!
In March another precious little one was added! Charlise (Charlie) came on March 15, 06 and is so very beautiful! She has her dad's blue eyes, and looks a lot like him!
On April 7th, 06 even more joy touched our lives as a new son arrived for Pam and Jud. Samuel David was placed with the Rutland family by a young mother who was not ready for the responsiblity of parenthood--and TODAY the adoption took place! We were with Pam, Jud, Julia and Sam as the judge pronounced that he forever belongs to us! God has blessed our family beyond measure and we give praise to Him for four beautiful, healthy and precious grandchildren! See pictures below! Meme and G-Daddy are so proud we could POP!
This picture, taken in February of 2003 is one of my favorites, as David and I went to Gatlinburg, Tn. with our three adult children, Amy, Pam(Rutland) and Matt. Pam's husband, Jud, and our only granddaughter, Julia, were along for the trip and we had a wonderful time! It snowed, in the night, and Julia, only 9 months old at the time, had ear pain from the change in barometric pressure. She woke us with cries, and the entire family gathered in the living room of the chalet to soothe her and enjoy the snow! By afternoon, the temperature in the valley was warm enough for short sleeves, and it was just beautiful!
As I add to the BLOG I hope that you enjoy reading about our growing family, and interests and fun events!