Wednesday, September 19, 2007

1. Julia, 5, on the slide, with Aunt Amy, Uncle Matt, and baby brother, Sam. 17 months
2. Matt and Charli, 18 months
3. Aunt Amy and Sam
These pictures tell some of the story of last weekend, and I wanted to share what a weekend we had!!! Pam and Jud had planned, weeks ago, to attend the Georgia game with friends, and David and I agreed (very willingly) to keep Julia and Sam. Little did we know that David would have to be hospitalized for a heart catherization on the Friday before! Amy had agreed to come home to help with the three and we had a good time although G-daddy wasn't really feeling great! (Pam and Jud offered to make other arrangements for Julia and Sam, but my heart was set on having them, so we went full speed ahead!) Amy was a REAL TROOPER, and really worked hard, covering for G-Daddy! The were wonderful, and we made it to church, almost on time, for Sunday School. On Sunday afternoon, we took Julia and Sam back to their parents' and stayed for the evening worship service where Pam's husband, Jud, was ordained as a deacon for their church. We are really proud of the fine Christian husband and father he is! The weekend was great, and the only down thing is that they did find blockage in 3 of David's arteries. 60%, 50% and 30%. They are treating it with medication. Keep us in your prayers.
Also, while you're praying, there is a special little girl, Mallory McElhaney, age 2 1/2 who has a disorder known as Mitochondrial Disorder. It is a genetic disorder that causes multiple medical issues, and the life expectancy of a child with this disorder is to not live out of childhood. The average age is 7. Mallory is the third of three daughters, and her older siblings are Laauren, 5 and Anna Kate, 4. Mallory's family is very close to Pam and Jud, and they spend lots of time together, so we see them often, as well!
Thanks for reading my blog. I hope its not too boring.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor Day is truly a wonderful time if your grandchildren visit and you get to catch them dressed for church! On Sunday, the Rutlands came over from Rome and I made this photo of Sam, Julia and Charli before they changed into play clothes! As you can see, Sam wasn't really happy about his older sister holding him in place! We had a happy visit and Charli loved playing with the two cousins! She and Sam are "learning" to share toys and Julia is busy finding places to play that will stop the two little ones from grabbing her things! They are growing faster than I would have imagined they possibly could, and they are so delightful! Sam is almost 17 months old, Julia is 5 years old and Charli is almost 18 months old! Before long they'll be too big to pose in G-daddy's chair!